The Leader-in-Training (LIT) program is an exciting, new adventure for our older campers who would like to remain a camper, yet also be exposed to new challenges and be presented with opportunities to learn and hone their leadership skills. In order to apply for the program you must have completed at least grade 9 by the beginning of the summer.
The overarching goal of the program is to take teenagers who have displayed the prerequisite foundation of strong values, good character and cooperative behavior and teach them to be leaders and role models. Although one of our hopes is that the program be very fun, we expect that there will be times when it will be hard. We also are confident, however, that the life lessons learned from the program will only help to prepare the LIT for future challenges.
Download LIT ApplicationThe idea is to allow campers who have completed the ninth grade the opportunity to still be a senior camper, while being exposed to leadership and service opportunities around the camp. The application process is competitive. We received more than 80 applications for 40 spots. The campers come for three consecutive weeks and have the best of both worlds… they are expected to be role model campers and ambassadors for the newer or younger campers while being given the opportunity to help out around the camp in many different ways. This is a great next step for campers interested in continuing on at Camp Rotary as they get a bit older. Many of our current counselors were LITs in their younger years.