Camp Rotary Policies
Camp Rotary Goals and Objectives:
In order to maximize the growth potential of each camper, Camp Rotary staff will continually remain focused on the following goals for each camper:
Overarching goals:
- Each camper will have fun.
- Each camper will demonstrate an increase in level of independence.
- Each camper will challenge their own limits.
- Each camper will demonstrate an increase in level of self-confidence.
- Each camper will demonstrate a respect and appreciation of the natural environment.
- Each camper will demonstrate an increase in level of personal and group responsibility.
- Each camper will demonstrate important character values of honesty, integrity, kindness and fairness.
- Each camper will demonstrate a respect and caring for self and others.
- Each camper will demonstrate a respect for community rules and limits.
- Each camper will demonstrate an increase in ability to establish friendships.
- Each camper will be more present with peers and staff by leaving phones, social media and technology at home.
Program goals:
- Each camper will select (independently or with guidance) his/her own programs for the week.
- Each camper will actively participate in all programs selected.
- Each camper will demonstrate an increase in the skill level from baseline to end of week in each program selected.
Obviously our hope is that these goals are not only achieved in camp, but that they contribute to the camper’s ability to exhibit these skills in settings outside of camp, as well.
Camp Rotary’s vision is to be the best residential summer camp in the region and to earn the trust of parents, campers and the general public as a safe summer activity that offers positive, life-changing experiences, including the opportunity to create positive, strong bonds of friendship that can often last a lifetime..
Camp Rotary’s mission is to provide well-trained, role model counselors who understand the importance of teaching children by example. Our mission is to impact the world by sending our campers and staff back out into their home and school environments with more self-awareness, independence, confidence, kindness, and respect of individual differences.
Our Core Values
Camp Rotary was founded by the Lynn Rotary Club, part of the Rotary International organization. The values of Rotary are imbedded in our philosophy. The Rotary motto of “Service above self” and the Rotary 4-way test are core to our value system:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all involved?
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?